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Quality Accounting Services, LLC Quickbooks, Accounting

Quality Accounting Services, LLC Quickbooks, Accounting

All participants received invitations prior to the interview that explained the general purpose of the study and presented all the ethical and confidentiality criteria related to the interviews. Also, the data were collected from each of the participants alone, to make them feel more comfortable and secure and so as to gather their real opinions. There was a preference for an in-person interview, but some were made by video call. In the later interviews, the emerging data were mostly similar to the previous ones. Thus, when we arrived at twenty interviews, we considered that we had reached theoretical saturation in the field. Also, the sample size of twenty interviews is aligned with the suggestions by Strauss and Corbin (1998) and Creswell and Poth (2016) for sample sizes in studies that seek to explore and generate new theories.

  • Poor financial planning is one of the primary reasons why small businesses fail.
  • For them, accounting services providers need to have an in-depth knowledge of the service, need to meet deadlines, and need to develop and maintain a partnership-like relation with their clients.
  • At TGS Sarrio & Asociados we seek to focus on the value proposition that we offer to our clients, demonstrating that they matter to us, that we know their industry and that we want to be their “co-pilots” in the growth of their companies.
  • They must make those reports informational content that gives options for the firms’ growth and investments.
  • In literature, the relationship between service quality and firm’s image can be seen as a cycle.
  • In professional services as accounting, the communication between services providers and customers might generate better technical and processual quality.

One popular question is whether you should hire an in-house accountant or bring on a services company. Your small business accountant serves so many different roles within the company. This report focuses on the steps we are taking to further enhance audit quality, the investments we are making to transform the audit, and our commitment to embracing a bold, new mindset as we continue shaping the future of the audit profession. So, the tendency is that systems are getting better so that fewer people are inserted in this context of entering information.

The more quality the service has, the better the company’s image will be perceived (Bean et al., 1996). On the other hand, the better image the company has, the perception of quality will be higher. To explain this second phenomenon, it is important to treat the service provider image as a mediator of the relationship between the perception of functional/technical quality and overall service quality (Fleischman et al., 2017). During the interviews, aspects related to the acquisition of knowledge were discussed and considered topics such as accounting and legal matters, specialized skills, other technical skills, and participation in training and capacity-building programs.

Previous studies have used general measurement models such as SERVQUAL and SERVPERF (Azzari et al. 2020). These models were developed to be used in different service categories (Cronin and Taylor 1992; Parasuraman et al. 1988), and ignore the specific attributes of accounting services. Another contribution of this research is that it captures the standpoint of different stakeholders involved in the accounting services context. Previous studies focused on customers’ perceptions of accounting firms (e.g., Lee et al. 2016; Sarapaivanich and Patterson, 2015; Silvestre et al. 2018). Even though this study did not aim to develop a measurement model for accounting service quality, it makes a first effort in this direction by generating dimensions and items that could be used in future studies. As presented by Boateng et al. (2018), the definition of each dimension and the generation of items are the first steps for scale development and validation.

The scale does not consider specific contexts, and thus does not consider industry-specific characteristics (Fleischman et al., 2017). It is important to highlight that none of the papers focused on developing measurement scales designed specifically for accounting services. Among the research limitations, the study was exploratory and qualitative in nature.

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The second cluster considers issues related to customers’ perceptions and expectations about the firms. The main keywords are consumption behavior, perception, corporate strategy and corporate image. Papers in this cluster usually focus on understanding service quality via the analysis of customers’ opinions (e.g. Aga and Safakli, 2007; Cameran et al., 2010; Lee et al., 2016).

Before we went in, Jeff (the owner) sent us an email with information we’d probably need to bring in to make both our lives easier, since we have both W-2 and 1099 earnings. He asked simple questions without loads of jargon, and clarified things we found confusing. He was straightforward and transparent about everything he was working on with us, even with his fees, and we feel VERY confident and comfortable trusting him with our returns. I appreciate Jeff’s communication style which is both considerate and educational. It represents the revenue due to your business when products or services are purchased.

An amazing relationship leads to ut labore et dolore magnam etiam.

However, delivering accounting services requires a high level of knowledge and highly skilled people (De Meyere et al. 2018; Santos-Vijande et al. 2013). Thus the factors that influence the customer’s perception of quality may differ from the relevant factors in other sectors that theoretically provide less complex services (Doloreux and Laperrière 2014). The variations in customers’ needs, sizes, and characteristics demonstrate the real difficulty for these professionals in achieving the quality expected by their clients (Santos and Spring 2015). In sum, the path suggested by our study is the first step toward the construction of the accounting services quality theory.

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The identification of attributes using different points of view allowed us to analyze different perceptions about the phenomenon. In practical terms, we highlighted the importance in considering the service quality management in accounting firms. Given the current changes on services because of the digitalization and the increased market competition, it is important to generate strategies in order to meet customer expectations. In professional services as accounting, the communication between services providers and customers might generate better technical and processual quality.

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For academics, these results can help to expand and organize the academic discussion about the quality of accounting services in a structured way. All these indicators that emerged from the data and which are linked to the efficiency dimension can be considered factors that directly impact the basic and technical expectations that the client has when hiring the accounting services. Given that, a constant focus and efforts to improve service efficiency could help accountants to meet the expectations of their clients with the services. These previous studies indicate the absence of pure models created specifically for professional accounting firms. Thus it becomes necessary to identify and explore the dimensions involved in the perception of quality in accounting services. Although the majority of the studies use the “SERVQUAL” scale (Parasuraman et al., 1988), this measurement instrument considers only the functional dimensions of service quality.

About Quality Accounting Services

The discussion above highlights a potential gap between the ideal process of acquiring and maintaining technical and specialized knowledge and the negative experiences narrated by clients. Thus, consumers see an accountant’s capabilities as a necessary characteristic to deliver a high-quality service. While SERVQUAL is one of the models that is most commonly referenced by different scientific studies to date, the applicability of a general model for all sectors and contexts has been questioned (Caro and García 2007; Fleischman et al. 2017; Ladhari 2008). Carman (1990) argues that some dimensions need expansion and that new items to capture the quality from different service sectors need to be included.

Data availability

5, this dimension fits into a more objective and tangible point of view, in line with the definition of service quality by Kamakura et al. (2002). Figure 2 presents the frequency in which the six dimensions were mentioned during the interviews. NVivo calculates this by considering the total of all encoded quotations that have been classified as each of the dimensions.

The papers’ conclusions diverge from each other, demonstrating a still fragmented literature. 9 produce a model that is aligned with current discussions about the quality of accounting services for different actors. Although many accounting services providers exist around the globe, only 22 papers attempt to consider this type of specialized service, despite its importance (Aga and Safakli, 2007; Bean et al., 1996; Lee et al., 2016; Groff et al., 2015).