Paredes Gest | Remote work benefits to the employer 2020
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Remote work benefits to the employer 2020

Remote work benefits to the employer 2020

Today’s customers align themselves with brands that share their values and priorities. But with access to more options regardless of location, they can take their time to find one that meets these requirements. Whether it’s a project that needs to be submitted by the end of the week or a pressing email which needs to be sent by the end of the day, deadlines are inescapable. Employees working from home won’t have a daily commute, meaning there will be fewer cars on the road—and fewer emissions out there polluting our air.

  • Considering the mounting environmental awareness and a green movement surge, more employers should pursue this benefit of remote work.
  • To counter that risk, leaders should map and monitor the informal networks in their organization with semiannual refreshes of social-network maps.
  • McKinsey research shows that winning performance cultures emerge from carefully selecting the right combinations of practices (or “recipes”) that, when applied together, create superior organizational performance.
  • Offering remote work is one of the most effective non-monetary ways to retain talent that benefits the business.
  • In the past remote working was seen as something just for freelancers or the self-employed.
  • This can later result in a lack of coordination, higher rate of misunderstandings, and depression.

Another big plus of working remotely is that you can create a work environment that’s more comfortable for you. Whether you prefer working from home or in a co-working space, you can find a setup that suits your needs and helps you be more productive. As someone who works remotely, you’ll also have more freedom and autonomy to do your job the way you want to. For instance, you won’t be micromanaged as closely as you might in a traditional office setting. In addition, you’ll save money on transportation costs and other commuting-related costs, such as gas or parking fees. If you live in a big city, you know that commuting can be a huge time-suck.


These benefits of remote meetings make people more productive as they have more time to get the job done. Business owners have a wider choice of staff when selecting remote workers. Hires how companies benefit when employees work remotely don’t have to be local and can be anywhere in the world, depending on time zones. This provides a greater opportunity to find staff with specialized skills, therefore saving on training.

In-office workers demand floor space, technical equipment, office supplies storage, and various facilities. This all incurs unnecessary costs, consumes a ton of electricity and water, and inflates your overheads. For employers, the benefit is clear— they can spend less time and money on recruiting, relocating, onboarding, and training processes. Not only that but they may focus on hiring the best of the best irrespective of barriers of space and time. It manifests in the form of higher engagement and loyalty to the company, which leads to lower absenteeism and work dissatisfaction.

Increased Employee Productivity

Approached in the right way, the new hybrid model can help you make the most of talent wherever it resides, while lowering costs and making your organization’s performance culture even stronger than before. Established teams, those that have been working together for longer periods of time, are more productive than newer teams that are still forming and storming. The productivity they enjoy arises from clear norms and trust-based relationships—not to mention familiarity with workflows and routines. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of working from home, as well as how employers can improve the issues surrounding remote work for their employees.

how remote work can benefit employees and companies