Paredes Gest | What Is the Metaverse? An Explanation
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What Is the Metaverse? An Explanation

What Is the Metaverse? An Explanation

These metaverse platforms may eventually become part of a larger, interconnected metaverse. You can think of these platforms like websites or apps, and the upcoming metaverse as the unified internet that will link them together. Though some metaverse platforms use blockchain technology and NFTs, we’re still far from a unified, decentralized metaverse. If there were ever any hope of weaning children off screen time, it was dashed by the pandemic. One German study published by DAK-Gesundheit found that usage of social media and video games was up by at least 60% in 2020 over 2019 among children between 12 and 17. Online communities have existed since at least the mid-1980s, and grew in the 1990s with chatrooms, AOL instant messenger and the first social media sites.

  • Will your friends invite you to cyber-brunch instead of normal brunch?
  • VR and AR tech is developing rapidly, and elements of the metaverse are already here, especially in entertainment and gaming.
  • The term metaverse originated in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 sci-fi novel Snow Crash.
  • Microsoft’s Minecraft gets less hype than Roblox these days, but it enables similar activities through modding.
  • You’ll have your own avatar, which you’ll be able to design, and you’ll own digital assets, the titles of which will likely be recorded on a blockchain.
  • But that hasn’t stopped some tech giants from building metaverse-like experiences, such as virtual fashion shows, live concerts and workspaces.

To create a system that can support various virtual reality application scenarios, creators from different fields will work together. In the future, there may be a main hub that connects users to each part of the metaverse, like the forest in The Nightmare Before Christmas, with magical doors that allow anyone to move seamlessly in and out of discrete worlds. Check out ethereum-based virtual worlds like The Sandbox and Decentraland. Historically, companies have been hesitant to allow their assets to be compatible with a competitor’s ecosystem.

As always, use two-factor authentication to protect your accounts from hackers. Even if your Windows computer is optimized for gaming, it still may not be enough. A metaverse platform hosting millions of users requires serious processing power, and for some metaverses the average computer is not enough. That’s why companies are trying to develop tech like smart glasses to help users connect to the metaverse more easily.

When tech companies like Microsoft or Meta show fictionalized videos of their visions of the future, they frequently tend to gloss over just how people will interact with the metaverse. VR headsets are still very clunky, and most people experience motion sickness or physical pain if they wear them for too long. Augmented reality glasses face a similar problem, on top of the not-insignificant issue of figuring out how people can wear them around in public without looking like huge dorks. And then there are the accessibility challenges of VR that many companies are shrugging off for now. Merchants who are interested in the metaverse can still prepare by keeping tabs on the many metaverse-adjacent technologies, such as blockchain, crypto tokens, NFTs, AR and VR, and video games. Understanding developments and trends around these digital assets can help you prepare to bring your business into the future digital world.

Virtual movement, physical discomfort

It doesn’t necessarily require a whole virtual store, though, just an easy way to switch between flat and spatial experiences. A good comparison point might be the mobile internet, which saw a slew of app-based services supplement or even replace traditional websites — but hasn’t made desktop-based options obsolete, either. One of the metaverse’s key benefits is supposed to be “presence” — a sense that you’re physically engaging with places and people instead of watching them through a window. Gathering your co-workers around a virtual table in a service like Spatial and Facebook Horizon, for instance, could feel more natural to some people than looking at a grid of Zoom thumbnails.

what is the metaverse

With blockchain-based games, players can turn the time they spend into cryptocurrency. In the popular Axie Infinity, players buy, train and breed Pokemon-like creatures that are themselves NFTs, each one individually registered on the Ethereum blockchain. An active marketplace allows players to sell the creatures for cryptocurrency. Axie Infinity has seen a lot of international popularity during the pandemic; the Philippines has particularly seen a great deal of growth, with players of all ages using the game to earn money. You need to own three of these “Axies” before you can even play the game, and currently the lowest priced creatures on the marketplace are over $100. Many of those who are taking advantage of that potential are young users.

What is Extended Reality?

It’s important to keep all this context in mind because while it’s tempting to compare the proto-metaverse ideas we have today to the early internet and assume everything will get better and progress in a linear fashion, that’s not a given. Nvidia’s Omniverse platform bills itself as a real-time graphics platform that engineers, artists and developers can use to develop virtual worlds. It integrates industrial digital twins at scale using the Universal Scene Description file format.

what is the metaverse

Companies including Gucci , Ralph Lauren and Nike and Balenciaga and Moncler have all dabbled with storefronts in the metaverse. While they aren’t fully functional stores, the goal is to offer both physical goods and digital-only offerings, like NFTs, avatars and virtual clothing. There are a number of ways to make money in the metaverse, including buying and selling virtual real estate, trading cryptocurrency and NFTs, and selling goods/products, both real-world and virtual.

‘More Than a Game’

Dependence on VR technology has limited metaverse development and wide-scale adoption. Limitations of portable hardware and the need to balance cost and design have caused a lack of high-quality graphics and mobility. Lightweight wireless headsets have struggled to achieve retina display pixel density needed for visual immersion.

what is the metaverse

De Witte conceives of the metaverse not as a single destination that everyone defaults to, but as a complex network consisting of browsers, indexes and destinations. Matthew Ball conceives of the metaverse not as something wholly separate from the internet, but an evolution of it — an embodied internet you are within, rather than have access to. That said, none of Web3’s core tenets run contrary to those of the metaverse.


Fashion designers can prototype their latest looks and test drive them on not-people. Some governments are gung-ho; if their people are there, they may as well be too. You can expect an embassy or four to pop up in the next new worlds. Workplace ‘solutions’ of this kind require the purchase of a VR headset, and an avatar. The thought process goes that seeing the cartoonish faces of your fellows will increase productivity.

Similarly, you can go through a virtual Walmart, selecting items and adding them to your cart in a way that is clearer and faster than either a real-world shopping trip or the current online click-through experience. A metaverse is a shared, online 3D space where users can interact with each other and with computer-generated objects and avatars. It is a virtual world that uses the Internet as its underlying network. Metaverses are used for various purposes, including social networking, online gaming, education, and training. They can be used to create virtual worlds that mirror the real world, or they can be used to create entirely new and imaginary worlds. In science fiction, the “metaverse” is a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal, and immersive virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual reality and augmented reality headsets.


Tomlinson had always been interested in virtual reality, but it wasn’t until he tried the Oculus Quest headset and was introduced to a productivity app called Immersed that he found the answers to his work conundrum. Immersed pairs with your computer and, in the headset, sets up a workspace that allows for multiple virtual screens that you can arrange or size in whatever way you choose. And, crucially for Tomlinson, it’s very difficult for cats to mess with virtual desktops. “I couldn’t manage to make plans in real life because of the pandemic, so I took the chance of building a cool place to host the virtual event,” he tells TIME. Sandboxis also a Ethereum-based Blockchain-based gaming metaverse virtual world.

An interview with video games researcher and designer Kris Alexander on the potential of augmented reality. Basically, a place parallel to the physical world, where you spend your digital life. A place where you and other people have an avatar, and you interact with them through their avatars.

Where did the idea come from?

However, it isn’t about replacing reality but working in sync with your real life, to enhance it, says Madsen. Another example of the early versions of metaverse that exist is the PlayStation Home, which was launched in 2008 but was unfortunately shut down in 2015. Although it didn’t go anywhere, it is an interesting example of what a corporate version of metaverse could look like. However, it suffered due to the far more entertaining virtual worlds on the Ps3. Now that we know the metaverse has been around for a while, let’s see how we can access it.

what is the metaverse

The new service lets Teams users in different physical locations join collaborative and shared holographic experiences during virtual meetings. At its October 2022 Ignite conference, the software giant launched in private preview a feature that lets people create and use avatars in place of live video during Teams meetings. Millions of people are spending hours a day in virtual social spaces like Roblox and Fortnite. Interest in purely digital ownership—and the technology that proponents believe can ensure the security of persistent virtual experiences—has spiked dramatically, with non-fungible tokens and cryptocurrencies making headlines. Virtual productivity platforms are growing too, with Facebook and Microsoft announcing new ways to collaborate online. Hybrid offices, video-based education and online social communities are just a few of the ways in which more of our lives—for better or worse—is spent in digital spaces.

We Asked A Bunch Of Teens What They Think Of Facebook’s “Metaverse”

Businesses may use the Metaverse to build 3D marketing experiences that are immersive, engaging, and capture the attention of potential customers in new, embracing ways. Ethereum blockchain where people may interact, build things, and make money. Numerous devices, including Windows phones and smartphones, are supported by Sandbox. With new virtual experiences, it provides people with chances for money-making. To make this possible, SandBox has developed its SAND coin based on Ethereum. One can pay gas expenses on the Ethereum network can be paid with SAND tokens.

Half of the platform’s players are 13 or younger, the company said. Another issue is public trust in the security and privacy of the metaverse. A metaverse survey carried out by NordVPN showed that 50% of US respondents were worried about identity theft in the metaverse, while 45% expressed concerns about data protection. To achieve the kind of mass adoption that metaverse supporters foresee, these doubts will have to be put to rest.

Keza MacDonald of The Guardian criticized the utopianism of technology companies who claim that a metaverse could be a reprieve from worker exploitation, prejudice, and discrimination. The metaverse is a digital reality that combines aspects of social media, online gaming, augmented reality , virtual reality , and cryptocurrencies to allow users to interact virtually. what is the metaverse Augmented reality overlays visual elements, sound, and other sensory input onto real-world settings to enhance the user experience. In contrast, virtual reality is entirely virtual and enhances fictional realities. This universe was accessed via virtual reality goggles, but today some ‘metaverses’ already exist in video games like Roblox, Minecraft or Fortnite.