Paredes Gest | ‘Women, life, freedom’: Students plan rally for Iran on International Womens Day
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‘Women, life, freedom’: Students plan rally for Iran on International Womens Day

‘Women, life, freedom’: Students plan rally for Iran on International Womens Day

While serving as the US Representative to the UN General Assembly, there was much criticism of the United States, but oddly enough people always looked to it to lead and to take the first step. The United States, because of its democratic ideals—as challenged as they have been lately—is and will continue to be a force of good for the world and humankind and a beacon of freedom. Many other countries, because of their economic ties to Iran, will not vocalize or support just values. At the very least however, the EU, as it has done recently with Russia, must step up and demonstrate solidarity, as should democracies like India or other UN Community of Democracy members in Asia and Latin America. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world religion is abused as an excuse for suppression and a morality police takes on different forms in different societies.

People born to parents classified as Muslim by the authorities remained at risk of arbitrary detention, torture or the death penalty for “apostasy” if they adopted other religions or atheist beliefs. Ethnic minorities, including Ahwazi Arabs, Azerbaijani Turks, Baluchis, Kurds and Turkmen, faced discrimination, curtailing their access to education, employment and political office. Despite repeated calls for linguistic diversity, Persian remained the sole language of instruction in primary and secondary education. The legal age of marriage for girls stayed at 13, and fathers could obtain judicial permission for their daughters to be married at a younger age.

  • In other words, the total share of carpet in non-oil exports had declined from 44.2 percent to 4.2 percent; a drastic decrease.
  • Women faced discrimination in law and practice, including in relation to marriage, divorce, employment, inheritance and political office.
  • New forms of normative heterosexuality were established as mutually pleasurable sex and romantic love in marriage became important.
  • The results of this study indicate that many participants tried to explain two dimensions of positive mental health or well being.
  • Mahsa Alimardani, who researches freedom of expression in Iran at the University of Oxford, has recently heard reports of women in Iran receiving citations in the mail for hijab law violations despite not having had an interaction with a law enforcement officer.

Many young and middle-aged women received this punishment—a striking example of the state practicing corporal violence against women. The authorities recently shut down two pharmacies, one in Tehran and another in the northern city of Amol, after female employees were reported for not wearing a hijab. And in the religious city of Qum, they reprimanded the manager of a bank for catering to clients without hijabs. The judiciary has also opened a case against Ms. Kazempour, the engineer, according to Iranian news reports. Last Thursday, the South Carolina Supreme Court struck down the state’s “Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act” in a three to two decision.

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According to the New York Times, Iranian forces have said that the average age of protesters is 15. Amnesty International has called for “global action” in response to the deadly crackdowns. In the 2009 Iranian Green Movement against election fraud, however, women played a major role. Images of one young female protester, Neda Agha-Soltan, who was fatally shot by security forces during the protest, went viral, catalyzing millions of Iranians to join the protests.

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Even as the demonstrations that erupted in September have waned in recent weeks following a deadly state crackdown, the Tehran resident has continued to flout the country’s hijab law, in a direct challenge to Iran’s clerical regime. In related to familial factors, parental divorce has an effect on mental health.

“The last image that my right eye saw was the smile of the person shooting at me,” she wrote in a post that has now been deleted after it was widely shared on protest groups and social media, creating a backlash. On 26 October, hundreds of medics protested outside the medical council of Iran, and were shot with pellet guns by the security forces. A surgeon from Tehran treated his colleagues who were shot in their backs and legs while running away. And while the UN human rights council has adopted the resolution to create a fact-finding mission to investigate alleged human rights violations, investigators are unlikely to be admitted to the country. One medic said he treated a woman ‘deliberately’ shot in the genitals and thighs. Italy’s first woman prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, focused on the role of women in the economy, saying state-controlled companies should have at least one female leader.

Less strict veiling in public returned among traditional urban middle-class communities, but the vast majority of the more modern middle-class women remained unveiled. The substantial breakdown of both religious and gender segregation in Tehran and other major cities only further infuriated the most traditionalist religious Iranians. The rise of the Pahlavi dynasty, in 1925, coincided with a new era of gender and sexual politics, alongside the emergence of a more educated middle class. Under Reza Shah Pahlavi, who ruled from 1925 to 1941, they could not achieve the first, but they lent him their support in order to achieve the latter. His support for the sciences undermined clerics when it became clear that many religious rituals, such as ghusl , spread diseases.

His educational and legal reforms ended formal segregation and discrimination against religious minorities such as Zoroastrians, Bahá’ís, Jews, Christians, and Sunni Muslims. At the same time, he oversaw a new form of nationalism that was state imposed, in contrast to the grassroots, democratic nationalism of the Constitutional Revolution. Persian was declared the official state language, even though it was the first language of only a slight majority of the population. Reza Shah further attempted to limit dissent by forcibly relocating certain ethnic populations to preclude assemblies that might evolve into organized political resistance. Shi’i and Persian-speaking populations were frequently sent to Sunni and Turkic-speaking areas to undercut the threat of separatist ethnic movements.